Monday, June 9, 2008

OverDraft Fees

Overdraft Fees Suck!
by Banana Squirt.

Ok first off I work at one of the biggest banks in the states. Now before you start to get pissed and angry I want to let you know something. We are on yourside, well at least myself is on your side that is. I work in one of the call centers and have been doing so for years. One of the biggest complaints we recieve is about those pesky od fees. If you call us about those fees our tone of voice changes and thats because we cant do much about them. My advice to you is to call several times to have them removed. If that works great if not then give up. I hate to say that but it is impossible to refund your fees when you have had so many in the past year! For those that haven't had that many, the bank is robbing you. :) We do more robberies than criminals and thats fact. Let me know what you think thanks!